“Gnosis” contains 9 tracks of epic black metal. Song titles set to appear on the effort include “Benei ha’Elohim” (based on the Book of Enoch – Man mixes with fallen angels, who gift them with knowledge and children), “Pandaemonium Gathers” (inspired by Paradise Lost (Milton) – Satan convinces his fallen comrades to take revenge for being expelled out of heaven), and “1904 Era Vulgaris” (after The Book of the Law (Crowley) – A brief description of some of the basic concepts of Crowley’s Thelema).
Comments SAILLE guitarist Reinier Schenk: “Our previous cd “Eldritch” was a good album, but we felt it had to be darker, we had to bring SAILLE to another level. The logo has been modified as a statement; the ‘curls’ were removed, both in style and music. The listener can expect a more defined SAILLE, with an own identity. The tracks are more compact and powerful, meanwhile referring to the feel of our 2nd cd “Ritu”, but more intense and extreme this time.”
The new album also depicts SAILLE as a five-piece for the first time. Founding member Dries Gaerdelen decided to leave the band to focus on the bookings. Drummer Kevin De Leener states: “The orchestral part will remain an important part of SAILLE, but there will be no keyboard player on stage anymore.” Concerning the recording of the drums for this album he says: “Well, it is definitely faster, which I think is awesome, and finally I am very satisfied with the natural sound of the drums on this record.”

‘Gnosis’ is a concept album again. SAILLE frontman Dennie Grondelaers explains about the writing process and lyrics: “With ‘Gnosis’ (Greek for ‘knowledge’) we venture into the world of the Promethean ideal and its Luciferian counterpart. This album explores a multitude of historical, mythological and fictional sources that tell us about the strife for knowledge and its (potentially devastating) consequences. We also visit several creation myths and scratch the surface of Aleister Crowley’s Thelema. The concept was born during research into Russian composer Alexander Scriabin and his works. His ‘Prometheus: The Poem of Fire’ didn’t serve as a direct source for the lyrics, but it lit the fire that made us venture into above topics.”

“Gnosis” will be presented in Malta for the first time on March 10.

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