RISE OF AVERNUS unveil new album details

Orchestral Death Metallers RISE OF AVERNUS will release their highly anticipated second album titled “Eigengrau” on January 18th, 2018 via code666.
Eigengrau is the fourth studio release from Orchestral/Death/Doom Metal band
Rise of Avernus.
After extensive touring following the release of the 2015 EP ‘Dramatis Personae’, which saw Rise of Avernus touring nationally and internationally alongside bands such as Eternal Tears Of Sorrow, Arcturus, 1349, Eluveitie, Fleshgod Apocalypse and Sigh, RoA are winding up to share their latest offering in January 2018.
Eigengrau : Defined as One’s Own Grey, intrinsic grey.
Eigengrau is the experience of seeing a deep grey shade in the total absence of visible light. What one may refer to as a ‘perfect darkness.’ Upon this canvas, an individual can project their subconscious, their processes, their anxieties, their fears…
Thematically, Eigengrau explores the fluidic nature of these self-created experiences, how they can be shaped and how they may change at the point of one’s own death. Other tracks go on to explore the intricacies of personal realities, influenced by external factors or via spiritual and religious indoctrination. The nature of self realisation and being forced to confront weakness to overcome it.
The distinct sound of the album reflects these altered states, oscillating between delicate movements and nightmarish grandiosity.
Eigengrau was recorded by Ryan Huthnance of Emissary Studios and mixed and mastered by Logan Mader.
All of the artwork was created by Seth Siron Anton and it perfectly encapsulates the overtones of the album.
This is Rise of Avernus’ heaviest and darkest release thus far.
After extensive touring following the release of the 2015 EP ‘Dramatis Personae’, which saw Rise of Avernus touring nationally and internationally alongside bands such as Eternal Tears Of Sorrow, Arcturus, 1349, Eluveitie, Fleshgod Apocalypse and Sigh, RoA are winding up to share their latest offering in January 2018.
Eigengrau is the experience of seeing a deep grey shade in the total absence of visible light. What one may refer to as a ‘perfect darkness.’ Upon this canvas, an individual can project their subconscious, their processes, their anxieties, their fears.
Thematically, Eigengrau explores the fluidic nature of these self-created experiences, how they can be shaped and how they may change at the point of one’s own death. Other tracks go on to explore the intricacies of personal realities, influenced by external factors or via spiritual and religious indoctrination. The nature of self realisation and being forced to confront weakness to overcome it. The distinct sound of the album reflects these altered states, oscillating between delicate movements and nightmarish grandiosity.
Eigengrau was recorded by Ryan Huthnance of Emissary Studios and mixed and mastered by Logan Mader.
All of the artwork was created by Seth Siron Anton and it perfectly encapsulates the overtones of the album.
This is Rise of Avernus’ heaviest and darkest release thus far.
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